How can you tell if a Yoga Teacher Training school is the right one for you? First, make sure its instructors are certified. The instructor's training may be international, such as those certified by Yoga Alliance – a very well known association representing the yoga community. But you can also choose a reputable organisation without the Yoga Alliance certification. Additionally, there are other valid certifications in India, Europe, and other countries. Ohmayoga is a registered Yoga Alliance school and certification provider that offers educational and impactful content beyond the Yoga Alliance curriculum.
We recommend the following guidelines to assess which is the best yoga teacher training course and how to find qualified instructors. This will give you an idea of whether your decision is the right one.
- Take a look at various training offers
Before confirming your admission, it's crucial that you check what the course is offering. You're making a critical decision and you want to be satisfied with your yoga teacher certification. Ask for their documents and check the qualifications of all instructors. At Ohmayoga, you'll receive training from gurus certified from Rishikesh – the birthplace of yoga. Therefore, you can rely on the experience of these instructors.
- Experience
The experience of the instructors, as well as that of the organisation, is important. An organisation that has experienced trainers and offers a curriculum involving a holistic approach towards yoga shows that they are dedicated towards providing proper training.
The second thing to consider is for how many years the institution in question has been training teachers. It'll give you an idea about the success of their training sessions. It's also essential to know if the institution teaches only in one city or has other branches. The expansion of a school is usually synonymous with acceptance and teaching quality.
- Value of the Certificate
A yoga training school will usually let you know their syllabus. But you need to understand if the certificate will hold value in the professional sphere. Usually, a Yoga Alliance certification is the standard when choosing a course. However, you may want something more advanced.
Ohmayoga offers Yoga Alliance-certified training, but it also aims to provide training that is far more valuable than just the certification. You want your training to be helpful, so if you choose Ohmayoga, you'll get a curriculum that is standardised and very current in terms of yoga training 200 or 300 hours. Therefore, this certificate will hold more weightage than others.
- Curriculum
Trainers at various yoga institutes may offer minimal information about the course curriculum – dates, places, certifications. But before choosing, you need to have in-depth knowledge of what you'll gain from the course. So be sure to ask questions like:
- When, where, and for how long has the trainer been teaching and practising?
- Do they have the experience to create and manage a curriculum for future yoga teachers?
Once you're satisfied with the answers, you can go ahead and apply for admission. Ohmayoga will offer you precise details about every aspect of the course, including information on the gurus, how the curriculum is developed, and its advantages over other classes.
- Opinions
Connect with students who have trained in the particular form of yoga you want to learn and take their opinion. You can also read relevant reviews. Look for people who are experienced and receiving further yoga training from the school. At Ohmayoga, many teachers are receiving their second or third training in yoga. They'll give you a solid opinion about whether what you're looking for is what you'll get.
It's vital to research thoroughly about a yoga teacher training platform before selecting a course. If you wish to find the best course online, Ohmayoga is the right place for you. You'll receive training that is better and more relevant than just a Yoga Alliance certified course. If you want to find out more, you can contact Ohmayoga for more information and get answers to all your questions.