What to Expect From an (Online) YTTC

What to Expect From an (Online) YTTC

YTTC stands for Yoga Teacher Training Course. It's an intensive yoga instructor course to get certified as a teacher. In this course, you'll not only practise yoga, but you'll go deeper to fully understand the physical postures and yoga philosophy.

A yoga TTC is a big commitment and doing it online can bring up many questions such as what can you expect? Is it just as valuable to do it online? How do you get the best out of the experience? These are very valid questions and that's why we'll try to answer them all.

1. Highly qualified teachers

Teachers play a fundamental part in yoga TTC. You'll have the opportunity to learn from people with a lot of experience who want to share it with you. The instructors not only have a deep understanding of yoga but are also trained to pass on this knowledge. You'll be able to connect with people who feel the same passion for this discipline as you do. Above all, they'll teach you how to become a yoga instructor, not just how to perform it.

2. More strength and resilience

The constant and intense practise of yoga will make your muscles stronger. You'll notice how you'll be able to hold the postures longer and how you'll get better at executing them. You may also feel tired, but this is normal. All the effort pays off.

3. Outside the comfort zone

It'll be a change in your daily routine where you'll have to study and push yourself physically and mentally. Getting used to something new is always a challenge. The great thing about yoga is that it'll help you to keep the stress away. One of the benefits of the online yoga teacher training course is that you don't have to travel, and you can manage your time more efficiently.

4. It's not just about Asanas

During the yoga TTC, you'll become aware that it's not just about getting the postures right. Although asanas (postures) are a fundamental part of yoga, there are other aspects that you'll also need to study and perfect. Breath control, chants (mantras), and meditation will be an integral part of your training. Going deeper into each aspect will help you to better assimilate yoga as a whole. In the end, you'll know the 8 limbs of yoga.

5. Perfect for a small budget

Many face-to-face courses are held in a separate location such as a retreat, which can significantly increase the cost. By opting for an online course, you'll not only have the opportunity to better manage your time, but you'll also enjoy a lower price. This expands the possibilities for you to get a yoga teacher certification even if you're on a tight budget. It'll be much easier for you to get a return on your investment.

6. You'll use your time meaningfully

Usually, when we sign up for a course or activity, we feel that we are using our time well. In the case of a yoga TTC, this feeling is multiplied. Yoga teaches you to be aware of your body and your movements and, although learning and understanding yoga can take a lot of effort, you'll feel a great sense of gratification throughout the process.

7. A sanctuary of peace at your fingertips

You'll transform your home into a spiritual centre. With the constant practise of yoga at your home, you'll give a new meaning to your home. You'll be in charge of preparing the space where you'll practice and undertake the course. Along the way, you'll realise what you like and what you need to be calm, and in the right way. This'll be an important growth that you'll achieve more quickly by doing the courses online.

8. Prepares you to start teaching

It's normal, and ok, to feel that you aren't a 100% ready to teach a class at the end of the course. When starting something new, we may feel a bit insecure, but it's all about gaining confidence. As you get started, you'll realise that you are more than ready. During the online course, you'll have many opportunities to develop your skills and you'll receive advice on all aspects.

9. Totally worth it

At the end of the course, you'll be glad that you took it. If yoga has already had an impact on your life, this'll help you develop in even more ways. By the end of the course, you'll be ready to share your knowledge and be able to spread this magnificent discipline a little further into the world.

A registered Yoga Alliance school and certification, Ohmayoga offers you a complete solution for yoga, including educational and informative content about yoga and wellness (articles, video, audio), accessories, and a booking platform. You can follow and complete your training with all the material you need. Register today and enjoy this and many other benefits.