Importance Of Counterposes

Importance Of Counterposes

In life, we have to maintain a balance of mind and body. This is not only true for humans, it's a law that's replicated in nature as well. Just as for light to exist, there must be darkness, or for heat to exist, there must be cold, in yoga, for every pose that exists, there must be an opposite pose to complete the movements.

You may be wondering why there has to be an opposite, and why's it so important? In this article, we're going to explain why. If you're interested in knowing more about counterposes and their importance, not only in yoga, but in your way of living in general, keep reading.

Find an equilibrium or balance

In our daily lives, we're constantly tensing our bodies with postures that may seem natural, but over time, this may negatively affect our bodies if not corrected. Similarly, with our minds, we tend to be constantly thinking about the worries of everyday life without giving ourselves a break to relax.

When doing yoga, one of the main objectives of performing different postures is to reach a state of peace, mental enlightenment, and balance. But in order to reach this state, it's necessary to complement each of the poses with its opposite in such a way that it allows completing and reaching a balanced end.

The benefits of doing counterposes

As previously mentioned, we tend to have habitual postures that limit our movement and long-term happiness. The simple fact is that there's a force of gravity that causes fluids and nutrients to concentrate in the lower part of our body. This is detrimental to our health if we don't move.

A counterpose in this case would be to invert our body and stand with our head down. This allows blood to flow to our brain and transport the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Doing this also allows us to change the way we breathe, helping to reduce the tension and stress that affects our body and mind. By performing counterposes, we let the body relax by reaching an equilibrium.

Some examples of counterposes

We've talked about counterposes, but, to give you a better understanding of what we mean, here are some classic examples of yoga counterposes.

1. Knees to Chest

This counterpose is perfect when you've previously performed a pose that involves bringing the chest out, for example, the Bridge Pose.

  • Slowly bring the knees to the chest
  • Stretch your back and sway sideways, turning your head towards your legs

This massages your lower back, pushing the vertebrae in this area into the mat. Some of the benefits of this counterpose are that it revitalises the spine and massages the abdominal organs.

2. Child's Pose

This is a direct counterpose to the Cobra Pose.

  • Kneel on the floor and sit on your heels
  • Bring your knees almost hip-width apart
  • Exhale and bring your torso down between your thighs

Some of the benefits of this pose are that it relieves back pain, relaxes the hips, and relieves fatigue.

3. Cat Pose

This is a counterpose to the Cow Pose.

  • Kneel, with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart
  • Arch your back inwards and lower your head to your chest

The benefits of this pose are that it promotes back flexibility and strengthens the pelvic area.


It's important not to strain your body too much. It's normal to want to do all these poses in order to achieve balance, but, you have to be patient. Some postures are more difficult than others and, therefore, require more practice and training. It's also very important that you warm up well before your training to avoid any injury during your practice.

A counterpose or reverse action allows us to be in balance with ourselves and with others. Although counterposes are postures, they can be seen as a way of balancing our lives.

If this article interests you and you have questions or are curious to learn more about postures of yoga in general, contact us today! Our Rishikesh-certified gurus will help clear any doubts you have, and also provide in-depth information about the benefits of yoga in your daily life. At Ohmayoga, we're passionate about promoting physical and mental well-being through yoga. Which is why, we offer different online yoga teacher training courses, yoga certifications, and share regular content about wellness through our newsletters.